Sunday, November 16, 2014

आहिस्ता चल ज़िन्दगी

आहिस्ता चल ज़िन्दगी, अभी कई क़र्ज़ चुकाना बाकी है,

कुछ दर्द मिटाना बाकी है, कुछ फ़र्ज़ निभाना बाकी है;

रफ्तार में तेरे चलने से कुछ रूठ गए, कुछ छुट गए ;

रूठों को मनाना बाकी है, रोतो को हसाना बाकी है ;

कुछ हसरतें अभी अधूरी है, कुछ काम भी और ज़रूरी है ;

ख्वाइशें जो घुट गयी इस दिल में, उनको दफनाना अभी बाकी है ;

कुछ रिश्ते बनके टूट गए, कुछ जुड़ते जुड़ते छूट गए;

उन टूटे-छूटे रिश्तों के ज़ख्मों को मिटाना बाकी है ;

तू आगे चल में आता हु, क्या छोड़ तुजे जी पाऊंगा ?

इन साँसों पर हक है जिनका , उनको समझाना बाकी है ;

आहिस्ता चल जिंदगी , अभी कई क़र्ज़ चुकाना बाकी है ..

आहिस्ता चल ज़िन्दगी

Friday, November 14, 2014

Create SharePoint List Dynamically using Powershell Script

Create SharePoint List Dynamically using Powershell Script

In this post we will see how to create Sharepoint List dynamically using powershell script .

Please note that you can use notepad++ to write powershell scripts and save them with extension “.ps1″.

There are few variables which you need to assign some value e.g. site url and list name etc.

I would recommend to create this type of variables out side the function as I’ve done here.

Reason being is simple, you can use this variable in other functions in your script file.

Also, to make it workable we will add powershell Snap-in as mentioned in my last post.


#URL of the site where you wanna create your list dynamically.
$web = Get-SPWeb http://your site url

#List name
$ListName = "myList"

Write-Host "Adding PowerShell Snap-in" -ForegroundColor Green

# Try to get the PowerShell Snappin. If not, then adding the PowerShell snappin on the Catch Block
Get-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell"


Add-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell"

Write-Host "Finished Adding PowerShell Snap-in" -ForegroundColor Green

#List type or template
$spTemplate = $web.ListTemplates["Custom List"]

#Get all the lists to the list collection


#adding the new list to the list collection


Write-Host "Please Try Again..." -ForegroundColor Green

Line $spTemplate = $web.ListTemplates["Custom List"] defines under which template we want our new list to be added.

In this example we are adding it to Custom List.

$spListCollection=$web.Lists will retrieve collection of existing sites and assign it to a variable.

$spListCollection.Add($ListName,$ListName,$spTemplate) will add a new list to Custom List template.

Now, I will explain how to Save and Execute this script.

Save this script with name e.g “CreateList.ps1”

To execute this open powershell management as administrator.

Goto the location where you saved your script

Type following command which will execute your script

PS C:\> .\CreateList.ps1

To check your list go to site contents and look for the list with name “myList”.

Create SharePoint List Dynamically using Powershell Script

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Microsoft takes. NET open source and cross-platform


Microsoft takes. NET open source and cross-platform

Since 12 years, .net framework has been a programming model for developers who want to build app for windows. On 12 November 2014 microsoft takes a bold step and announces that they are taking .net core 5 as cross platform and open source. That means you can ship a private version of the .NET Core Framework with your app.

Some of the features of 5

CrossPlatform compatability

.net core will be shipped via nuget.That means you can ship a private version of the .NET Core Framework with your app..NET Core CLR for Windows, Mac and Linux and it will be both open source and it will be supported by Microsoft. It’ll all happen at Open sourcing the Jit and the .NET GC and making them both cross-platform.

ASP.NET 5.0 ability to work everywhere

ASP.NET 5 will be available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. Mac and Linux support will come soon and it’s all going to happen in the open on GitHub at ASP.NET 5 will include a web server for Mac and Linux called kestrel built on libuv, and you could front it with Nginx for production. There is a new FREE SKU for Visual Studio for open source developers and students called Visual Studio Community Visual Studio 2015 and ASP.NET 5 will support gulp, grunt, bower and npm for front end developers. Much of the .NET Core Framework 4.6 and its Reference Source source is going on GitHub. It’s being relicensed under the MIT license.

Microsoft takes. NET open source and cross-platform

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Adding PowerShell Snap-in Sharepoint 2013

PowerShell Snap-in Sharepoint 2013

Windows PowerShell is a command-line shell and scripting language that provides an administrator full access to applicable application programming interfaces (APIs). Administrators can interact directly with SharePoint 2013 to manipulate web applications, site collections, sites, lists and much more. In addition, an administrator can script cmdlets (pronounced “command-lets”).

You can manage most aspects of SharePoint 2013 in the SharePoint Management Shell. You can create new site collections, web applications, user accounts, service applications, proxies, and more.

Commands that you type in the SharePoint Management Shell return SharePoint objects that are based on the Microsoft .NET Framework.

You can apply these objects as input to subsequent commands or store the objects in local variables for later use.

To execute any powershell script, adding PowerShell Snap-in is required.
Here is the script to add it!


Write-Host "Adding PowerShell Snap-in" -ForegroundColor Green

# Try to get the PowerShell Snappin. If not, then adding the PowerShell snappin on the Catch Block
Get-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell"


Add-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell"

Write-Host "Finished Adding PowerShell Snap-in" -ForegroundColor Green

Above lines can be used in any powershell script to get it started.

It is recommend that you use Windows PowerShell when performing command-line administrative tasks.

The Stsadm command-line tool has been deprecated, but is included to support compatibility with previous product versions.

We will see it’s use in other powershell scripts in next post.

PowerShell Snap-in Sharepoint 2013

Adding PowerShell Snap-in Sharepoint 2013

Monday, November 10, 2014

Poem - ताकि घर चल सके

30 + उम्र के मित्रो के लिए एक कविता l जरूर पड़े…

ताकि घर चल सके

जीवन में पैतीस पार का मर्द……..

कैसा होता है ?

थोड़ी सी सफेदी कनपटियों के पास,

खुल रहा हो जैसे आसमां बारिश के बाद,

जिम्मेदारियों के बोझ से झुकते हुए कंधे,

जिंदगी की भट्टी में खुद को गलाता हुआ,

अनुभव की पूंजी हाथ में लिए,

परिवार को वो सब देने की जद्दोजहद में,

जो उसे नहीं मिल पाया था,

बस बहे जा रहा है समय की धारा में,

एक खूबसूरत सी बीवी,

एक-दो प्यारे से बच्चे,

पूरा दिन दुनिया से लड़ कर थका हारा,

रात को घर आता है, सुकून की तलाश में,

लेकिन क्या मिल पाता है सुकून उसे,

दरवाजे पर ही तैयार हैं बच्चे,

पापा से ये मंगाया था, वो मंगाया था,

नहीं लाए तो क्यों नहीं लाए,

लाए तो ये क्यों लाए वो क्यों नहीं लाए,

अब वो क्या कहे बच्चों से,

कि जेब में पैसे थोड़े कम थे,

कभी प्यार से, कभी डांट कर,

समझा देता है उनको,

एक बूंद आंसू की जमी रह जाती है,

आँख के कोने में,

लेकिन दिखती नहीं बच्चों को,

उस दिन दिखेगी उन्हें, जब वो खुद, बन जाएंगे माँ बाप अपने बच्चों के,

खाने की थाली में दो रोटी के साथ,

परोस दी हैं पत्नी ने दस चिंताएं,


तुम्हीं नें बच्चों को सर चढ़ा रखा है,

कुछ कहते ही नहीं,


हर वक्त डांटते ही रहते हो बच्चों को,

कभी प्यार से बात भी कर लिया करो,

लड़की सयानी हो रही है,

तुम्हें तो कुछ दिखाई ही नहीं देता,

लड़का हाथ से निकला जा रहा है,

तुम्हें तो कोई फिक्र ही नहीं है,

पड़ोसियों के झगड़े, मुहल्ले की बातें,

शिकवे शिकायतें दुनिया भर की,

सबको पानी के घूंट के साथ,

गले के नीचे उतार लेता है,

जिसने एक बार हलाहल पान किया,

वो सदियों नीलकंठ बन पूजा गया,

यहाँ रोज़ थोड़ा थोड़ा विष पीना पड़ता है,

जिंदा रहने की चाह में,

फिर लेटते ही बिस्तर पर,

मर जाता है एक रात के लिए,


सुबह फिर जिंदा होना है,

काम पर जाना है,

कमा कर लाना है,

ताकि घर चल सके,….ताकि घर चल सके…..ताकि घर चल सके।।।।👍👍👍👍👍👍

Poem - ताकि घर चल सके

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Android 4.4.4 update for the Xperia Z2 and Z2 Tablet


Sony has begun rolling out its Android 4.4.4 update (build 23.0.1.A.0.167) for the Xperia Z2and Z2 Tablet today, which contains a whole host of new tweaks and features to play with.

While the move on up to Android 4.4.4 doesn’t change much on its own, Sony has used the update to throw a load of new features at its slightly older flagship model. Including: PS4 Remote Play, Hi-Res audio playback, new camera features, and some more general changes to the handset’s software. Let’s take a quick look at all the goodies.

PS4 Remote Play has just made its way to Sony’s range of Xperia Z3 devices too and allows users to stream and play games from their PS4 directly to their Sony handset with their wireless Dualshock 4 controller. Sony’s Hi-Res Audio enables PCM and DSD file playback, DSEE HX MP3 enhancement, and also includes pre-set EQ settings for a selection of Sony headphones. The update also contains Sony’s latest Smart Social Camera app features, such as Sound Photo, AR fun, Multi camera and Face in.

Furthermore, Sony has made a couple of tweaks to the general operating system. Ultra STAMINA Mode makes an appearance, allowing users to squeeze out a little extra battery life by disabling certain functions. Sony has also added in Quick Settings, Smart screen rotation, Record Screen, and smartwatch remote Bluetooth Unlock features. All in all, this is a pretty substantial update.

The Xperia Z2 Android 4.4.4 update is already live in several corners of the world, including South-East Asia, Latin America and the Middle East. Other regions should see the update head their way in the coming days.

Android 4.4.4 update for the Xperia Z2 and Z2 Tablet